Paraquat Mass Tort Representation
If you suffer from Parkinson’s after exposure to Paraquat as a farmer or licensed pesticide applicator, you may be able to file a lawsuit. A successful lawsuit can provide compensation for medical bills, lost income, pain and suffering, and other losses or hardships.
About Paraquat Lawsuits
Edwards & Ragatz is evaluating claims from individuals who suffer from Parkinson’s after exposure to Paraquat as a farmer or licensed pesticide applicator.
Scientists have long known that Paraquat, also known as Gramoxone, is toxic. Paraquat is so toxic, in fact, that a single sip of the herbicide can kill an adult. But in recent years, evidence has accumulated showing that repeated exposure to paraquat in low doses may be linked to the development of Parkinson’s disease. According to one study, exposure to paraquat increases the risk of Parkinson’s by 150 percent.
Despite numerous scientific studies into Paraquat’s safety, the company responsible for the pesticide, Syngenta, refused to acknowledge the potential risks and exposed thousands of innocent individuals to a hazardous chemical for over a decade.
Farmers and agricultural workers who work directly with and around Paraquat are at the greatest risk of being exposed to the harmful and long-lasting effects Paraquat. Exposure is most likely to occur in the following ways:
- Mixing or loading Paraquat
- Spraying Paraquat
- Maintaining tanks and equipment used to spray Paraquat
- Spending time in fields where Paraquat was sprayed
With Paraquat use increasing in the U.S., agricultural workers and farmers continue to face exposure risks. Many have already filed lawsuits claiming that they developed Parkinson’s disease as a result of exposure to Paraquat and that Paraquat manufacturer Syngenta failed to warn about this serious risk.
Important Paraquat FAQ
How Is Paraquat Commonly Used?
Paraquat is widely used by farmers in the production of crops, including corn, soy, cotton, peanuts, wheat, almonds, strawberries, grapes, sweet potatoes, and others plants. Its use has doubled over the past decade and is expected to grow due to its effectiveness on “superweeds” that have developed resistance to glyphosate (i.e. Roundup). In total, farmers apply more than 10 million pounds of Paraquat each year.
Is There Scientific Evidence of a Link Between Paraquat and Parkinson’s Disease?
Scientific research has concluded that those who use Paraquat are twice as likely to develop Parkinson’s disease in the future. Not only that, but those who live in an area where Paraquat is used are also at risk, as the wind can carry the airborne chemical into neighborhoods and other populated areas. Despite numerous scientific studies into Paraquat's safety, the company responsible for the pesticide refused to acknowledge the potential risks and exposed thousands of innocent individuals to a hazardous chemical for over a decade.
Do I Qualify for a Paraquat Lawsuit?
Plaintiffs across the country have filed lawsuits claiming that they were diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease and that Syngenta’s herbicide Paraquat is to blame. If you suffer from Parkinson’s disease after exposure to Paraquat as a farmer or licensed pesticide applicator, you may be able to file a lawsuit. A successful lawsuit can provide compensation for medical bills, lost income, pain and suffering, and other losses or hardships.
What Does the Paraquat Settlement Entail?
Syngenta knew the risk of their product yet failed to disclose it to the public, which allowed thousands of agricultural workers to be exposed without any knowledge of the harmful side effects. Those who suffer from Parkinson’s require consistent treatment to increase their quality of life, which is a significant expense to endure without proper compensation. However, by holding Syngenta responsible for their negligence, you can recover the medical costs, lost wages, and suffering damages warranted by your situation.
Contact Tom & Eric Today
Tom and Eric take a detail-oriented approach in establishing and preparing for a case. If you are looking for strong, dedicated, and experienced representation for your case, please contact our Jacksonville attorneys today to set up a free consultation.

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